Friday, September 18, 2009

More Children Shoe Tips

As a child's feet continue to develop, it may be necessary to change their shoe and sock size every few months to allow room for the feet to grow. Although foot problems result mainly from injury, hereditary factors, deformity, or illness, improper footwear can aggravate pre-existing conditions.

Before parents invest in a new pair of children's footwear, some foot factors need to be considered:

Shoes that don't fit properly can aggravate the feet. Always measure a child's feet before buying shoes and fit the shoe to the foot.

Never hand down footwear. Just because a shoe size fits one child comfortably doesn't mean it will fit another the same way. Not to mention that the practice of sharing shoes can spread fungi like athlete's foot and nail fungus.

Watch for signs of irritation. Redness is a sure sign that a shoe is too tight or too loose. If your child always wants to remove one or both of his/her shoes, this may be an unspoken sign that the shoes don't fit properly.

Examine the heels. When children begin to show in-toeing, they may wear through the heels of their shoes much quicker that outgrowing the shoes themselves. Uneven heel wear can indicate a foot problem that should be checked by a podiatrist.

Dr. Vail wants to ensure that your child's feet are developing properly and are as healthy as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's feet, please call the office for an appointment - 419-423-1888.

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Happy Feet...

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