Friday, August 5, 2011

Does Your Child Have a Wart?

Plantar warts, or common warts, develop on the feet as a result of the human papillomavirus, or HPV. According to, this virus enters your body through cuts, breaks, and other vulnerable places on the skin.  The virus may be contracted through walking around pools or gyms, making summertime the perfect time for a child to develop plantar warts.

Symptoms of plantar warts include grainy lesions or growths on the soles of feet, callus over a spot on the foot where a wart has grown inwards, black pinpoints, pain or tenderness in the bottom of the foot when walking or standing.

To prevent warts your child should wash hands thoroughly after touching his or her warts, avoiding contact with warts and picking at warts, keep feet clean and dry, should not go barefoot in a public area.  In the summer months, this means wearing flip flops in public pools and showers.

Your child should see the doctor if the warts are painful, the lesions change in color, he or she has diabetes, the warts interfere with activities, or the warts multiply or recur. There are also some over the counter products for the treatment of plantar warts.  Try Tripod Labs Plantarstat Wart Remover available at the advanced footcare clinic product store. It is a safe, highly effective formula for the treatment of plantar warts (warts on the bottom of the feet), as well as common warts (warts on any other part of the body). This unique blend combines traditional medicines, retinoic acid and salicylic acid, with powerful herbal extracts, mandrake root and Sanguinaria Canadensis, for a quick, pain free removal of any wart. The easy to use applicator tip directly applies the medication to the wart for maximum results without any harm to the surrounding normal skin. Plantarstat® offers a simple, effective treatment for all types of warts. For best results, apply a thin layer of Plantarstat® liquid with the enclosed wand over entire wart once or twice daily, avoiding unaffected skin. To enhance results, gently file the wart after bathing, with an emery board or pumice stone, before applying Plantarstat® liquid and then cover the wart with adhesive tape (best to use a small piece of duct tape) after applying the medicine. Remove the tape and continue the treatment daily. Continue treatment until wart is completely removed.  If you are a diabetic, have poor circulation, or other medical problems, we suggest that you check with your family doctor before using this medication.

Don't let warts ruin your child's summer! Use the preventative tips above and if your child is suffering from warts call our office or visit our website to request an appointment.  

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